First name: Catterina  Meaning, Origin and DescriptionRelationsNo relations known.
FrequencyNo frequency information is known for this name yet.
Name DaysNo name days known for the forename "Catterina".
Famous PeopleNo well known people found for the given name "Catterina".
Similar Given Names# | Name | Gender | Languages | Match | 1. | Caterina |  | Italian, Catalan, Romanian | | 2. | Katerina |  | Basque, Italian, Hungarian (Magyar), Macedonian, Croatian, ... | | 3. | Catherina |  | Spanish, Italian | | 4. | Kateřina |  | Czech | | 5. | Catarina |  | Italian, Portuguese | | 6. | Cathrina |  | | | 7. | Catrina |  | Gaelic Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Romanian | | 8. | Ecaterina |  | Romanian | | 9. | Katherina |  | English | | 10. | Catterino |  | Italian | | 11. | Caterino |  | Italian | | 12. | Terina |  | | | 13. | Cátherine |  | | | 14. | Catherine |  | English, French | | 15. | Catriona |  | Gaelic Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Gaelic | | 16. | Catherin |  | | | 17. | Catrìona |  | Gaelic | | 18. | Chatrina |  | Romansh | |
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