Prenume: Kathlen Semnificatie, Origine si DescriereRelatii
FrecventaPentru acest nume nu avem înca informatii legate de frecventa.
Zile onomasticeNo name days known for the forename "Kathlen".
Persoane celebreNo well known people found for the prenume "Kathlen".
Prenume asemanatoare# | Nume | Gen | Limbile | Match | 1. | Kathleen | | Gaelic Irish, English | | 2. | Kathlene | | | | 3. | Cathleen | | Gaelic Irish, English | | 4. | Kathelyn | | | | 5. | Kathlyn | | English | | 6. | Kathrein | | | | 7. | Kathaleen | | | | 8. | Katheleen | | | | 9. | Kathlijn | | | | 10. | Kathrien | | | | 11. | Kathchen | | German | | 12. | Kathl | | German (Bavarian) | | 13. | Kathline | | | | 14. | Kathalyn | | | | 15. | Kathyn | | | | 16. | Catarine | | | | 17. | Kadarine | | Armenian | | 18. | Catarina | | Italian, Portuguese | | 19. | Catharine | | English | | 20. | Catherine | | English, French | | 21. | Gadarine | | Armenian | | 22. | Katarina | | German, Swedish, Hungarian (Magyar), Croatian, Serbian, ... | | 23. | Katharina | | German, Frisian (West), German (Bavarian) | | 24. | Katharine | | German | | 25. | Katherine | | English | |
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